At treen, we sell clothes that we want you to wear for life. We achieve this by selecting classic, timeless styles that are made from the highest quality materials. These two factors ultimately extend the lifespan of your clothes because they reduce the likelihood that you'll fall out of love with them and, crucially, they are less likely to need repaired and mended.
The fashion industry is awash with jargon so we wanted to specify our understanding and use of these terms (as specified by Ellen MacArthur Foundation):
- Repair: Operation by which a faulty or broken product or component is returned to a usable state.
- Reuse: Operation by which a product or component is used repeatedly and for long periods of time, for its original purpose, without being significantly modified, remade, or recycled.
- Remake: Operation by which a product is created from existing products or components. This operation can include disassembling, re-dyeing, restyling, and other processes to improve emotional and physical durability.
- Recycle: The process of reducing a product back to its basic material level, reprocessing those materials, and using them in new products, components or materials.
At treen, we advocate recirculating your clothes through repair, reuse and remake.
For a small fee, we offer a tailoring service in-store and can offer this online too. There's always something that can be done to repair or remake your beloved garments.
Reuse your pre-loved garments by donating them to us. Your donations will literally transform a woman's life by helping them feel their best during job interviews. Once they've secured employment, Smart Works invites each applicant to create a capsule wardrobe from your donations. We can't think of a more enriching, confidence-boosting reuse for your pre-loved clothes.
If you choose to recycle your clothes, some of our brands actually utilise such materials. Look to Embassy of Bricks and Logs, Good News, Girlfriend Collective, Clae and HVISK. Embassy of Bricks and Logs recently debuted a 100% recycled version of their most used upper fabric. A few of our brands use a mix of pre- and post-consumer fibres, such as Good News and HVISK, whilst some use recycled fibres from plastic waste, such as Girlfriend Collective.

Some of our brands also offer a repair service, such as Nudie Jeans, Wolf Circus, Kowtow and Skall Studio. Every pair of Nudie Jeans comes with a promise of free repairs; no matter when or where you got them. Wolf Circus offers complimentary repairs and re-plating for all of its jewellery.

Regretfully, the fashion industry is still largely linear. We're proud to be one of a pioneering few who champion the circular model. We have some very exciting developments to announce in 2023/24; treen aims to become a beacon, guiding conscious shoppers towards their forever, sustainable wardrobe.