Clearing out your wardrobe is no easy feat; it takes a lot of organisation and ruthless decision-making. It's the one task that's at risk of falling to the bottom of the to-do list so, to give yourself some extra accountability, pick two dates a year and stick to them. Don't make it an annual thing; do it every six months.
Clearing out your wardrobe is an essential part of the process, especially if you seek to make more mindful fashion purchases. You can only do so if you know where the gaps are. If you're mindlessly adding to your wardrobe, you might not be aware of everything that's sharing the rail.
In addition to highlighting pieces that no longer bring you joy, a wardrobe clear-out will help you identify items that need to be repaired. If you have no idea where to begin, learn about how to mend clothes on YouTube (a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon). And, on that note, stay tuned for what's to come at treen (think mending workshops, laundry products and storage solutions).
Here are our top tips for clearing out your wardrobe.

Interview yourself
It's time for a Q&A! Over the years, we've found the following questions the most helpful:
• Is this something I still wear? If not, add it to the no pile. Unless it has significant sentimental value, it's time to let someone else enjoy it.
• Is it timeless?
• Does it fit me?
• Does it represent what I want my style to be?
• Does it suit my lifestyle?
What to do with your pre-loved pieces
If you've answered no to any of the above questions, or if you haven't worn an item in 2+ years, it's time to say goodbye! There are various options available to you:
• Donate to Smart Works Scotland (you'll find details here on how to drop off your donations to us) or a local charity shop. You could also share a snap with friends to see if they'd like to re-home your item(s). If you're a social bunch, host a clothes swap with your friends! It's so much fun.
• Sell your item(s) via Vinted, Depop or eBay. If any item(s) still have tags on, you can resell it as BNWT (Brand-New-With-Tags).
• Recycle any items beyond repair. Almost all clothing can be recycled, from clothing to underwear.
Get organised
Once you've established the items you're keeping, it's time to get organised. There are two methods that we use, either organise by season or organise by fabric.
For the former, you can split your wardrobe by season and focus on what you'll be wearing in the coming months.
For the latter, you should hang dresses, blouses, soft trousers and any other delicate, easy-crease items. Fold your jeans, t-shirts, jumpers and knitwear.
Replenish responsibly
A wardrobe clear-out will help you identify items that need to be replaced. If you invest in quality, there will be no need to replace them in the future.
Buying new after a wardrobe detox instantly becomes more mindful and intentional. At treen, we support our customers to make conscious choices. We offer a selection of style must-haves from a carefully selected group of brands that make a positive difference.